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This site is primarily for unit owners, with the bulk of the information in the Members Only section. However, visitors can view information on this Welcome page as well as the About Us, General Information and Classified Ads Pages.
For registered owners:
1st If you have not yet registered, click on "Owner Registration" and follow these Instructions.
2nd You will need to login with your email address and password to see the Members-only section.
3rd You may need to click on the >> next to the padlock to see the various pages in this section.
What you will find here.
Meetings & Events - Information on upcoming activities as well as minutes and budget information.
Window Information - Next Steps and companies that have been used by other owners.
Contact Mgmt Form - This page is a form that you can fill in regarding a maintenance request, an FYI to management, an agenda item suggestion for a board meeting, etc. When you fill it in and click submit, it will be sent off to the management office.
Bulletin Board - This page is were you'll find items of interest that may affect you... from neighborhood variance requests to various notices you see in the elevator.
Documents - This page is where you'll find information about renting your unit, rules and regulations, etc.
Member Directory - An online listing of Owners. You decide what is listed... Name, phone, etc.
Pictures - Taken by you, just forward them along and I'll post them.
Interesting Links - well, interesting to me...
Bottom Line - Sometimes the rest of the story, sometimes the facts, sometimes the last word,
always interesting.